References for BioDiet – Chapter 6
According to the American Alliance for Healthy Sleep, caffeine ingested six hours before bedtime can reduce total sleep time by an hour, so go easy on it, especially late in the day. As a general rule, don’t drink anything caffeinated after 2 p.m.
Late afternoon and early evening caffeine can disrupt sleep at night
Both the American College of Sports Medicine and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week, including everything from brisk walking to jogging to bicycling to work.
Decreased sleep or poor sleep quality increases hunger and appetite and decreases glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity—hence the growing number of studies that link sleep loss with obesity.
Sleep and obesity
Sleep Deprivation and Obesity
Sleep deprivation and obesity in adults: a brief narrative review
At the time of writing, the United States Department of Agriculture is still advocating filling one-quarter of their recommended “MyPlate” with starch
Canada’s new Food Guide is even more out of touch, suggesting that up to three-quarters of our calories come from carbohydrates
If forgoing starchy foods seems a bit rash, consider that in Step III you’ll be reducing your carbohydrate intake to 20 grams or less per day (compared to the 300 or more grams many of us now eat).
Rethinking Dietary Guidelines
Trends in dietary carbohydrate consumption from 1991 to 2008 in the Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort